
Showing posts from April, 2018

Tips for Buying a Family Car

Congratulations! Your family is growing, and it's time to buy a family car for the first time. Doing so can be nerve-wracking - after all, you have to balance what your budget can afford with getting the safest vehicle possible for your family. Don't worry, it is possible to do, and your car buying experience doesn't need to be stressful. Take a look at these tips for making it as stress-free as possible. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Tips for Buying a Family Car appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Skin Care: Mommy Edition

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to a woman’s life. Suddenly, it's not just your body you have to take care of; you need to take care of the life that is beginning in your belly. Unfortunately, the changes do not stop there. All of a sudden, you develop acne that you’ve stopped having since you were a teenager. This is why, soon-to-be moms invest in a home facial steamer , or a huge variety of moisturizers and toners just to get rid of these skin problems. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Skin Care: Mommy Edition appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

2018 Top 6 Stretch Mark Creams for Mommies

Stretch marks are those things that we hate the most. Some obtain them after giving birth while others simply get them over the years. Because nobody likes these marks, we have prepared a top of the best creams that can help you get rid of them or at least make stretch marks less obvious. While staying hydrated and having a healthy weight can lower the risk of stretch marks, the are not always preventable. This is why we selected 6 best stretch mark removal creams that will help you get that toned and stretch-free skin. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post 2018 Top 6 Stretch Mark Creams for Mommies appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Car Companion–How to Safely Drive with Your Pet

According to an AAA/Kurgo survey, about six in ten respondents have driven with their dog in the vehicle at least one time per month within the past year . Of those who have driven with their dog or another pet, almost a third say they have been distracted by their pet while driving, and sixty-five percent admit they have engaged in at least one distracting activity associated with having their pet in the car . These activities included petting the animal, reaching into the back seat to interact with the pet, allowing a dog or cat to sit in their lap while they drive, using hands or arms to keep the pet from climbing from the back seat to the front seat—or to otherwise restrict the pet’s movement—and even to take a photo of the pet. In fact, any way you look at it, pets can be a distraction while driving. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Car Companion–How to Safely Drive with Your Pet appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Top 6 Hiking Hacks for Kids

It’s that time of year again, when hiking becomes a possibility. Or, maybe you’re traveling somewhere exotic and will go for a hike with your kids. There are do’s and don’ts when it comes to hiking with little people that will pretty much determine how the hiking trip feels to them and you. Make it a great experience from the 1st family venture. Allow us to take the reigns through experience and research to give you the top 6 tips for your success to hiking with kids. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Top 6 Hiking Hacks for Kids appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .