
Showing posts from September, 2018

Bicycles & Phones: A Dangerous Combination

As your child grows, having to drop them off at school on a daily base may interfere with your working schedule. One way that you can circumvent dropping your child off at school every day is to get them a bicycle that they can ride to school. Children always want to experience fun and adventure while they ride to school. Currently, the average age that a child who lives in Denver that uses a bicycle to get to school is ten years old, which also happens to be the same age a child receives a phone in the U.S. When you combine riding a bicycle and looking at your phone, riding a bike becomes unsafe. If you end up getting a bike for your child to use to get to school every day, you need to make sure they never ride while they look at their phone.​ ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Bicycles & Phones: A Dangerous Combination appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

What is the Best Baby Shower Gift?

Are you wondering what gift to give for the baby shower you were invited to? Do you want to get a gift that's unique yet practical? Scouring the internet for a gift can give you the best results, but this list will tell you what the best ones are and why. Baby showers are created to lend a helping hand to soon-to-be new parents. The guests are expected to bring things that will be needed when the little bundle of joy arrives. Choosing a gift isn't as simple as you think it is, you need to strategize to avoid giving the same one as all the other guests. Here is a list of the best baby shower gifts that will definitely stand out:​ ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post What is the Best Baby Shower Gift? appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

7 Techniques to Help Keep Your Family Healthy

Every parent’s goal is to keep their family healthy. There are many ways to do that, including keeping them active, cooking healthy meals, abstaining from drug or alcohol use, and having quality family time. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post 7 Techniques to Help Keep Your Family Healthy appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Pets, Kids, and Well-Being: 5 Reasons Why Kids with Pets Grow Up Better Than Most

We know that pets like cats and dogs provide/teach our children a sense of responsibility even at an early age of 3. This is at a time when small kids can help take care of pets by replacing food and water bowls. But did you know that a sterile, extra squeaky clean environment hampers the growth of babies’ immune system which makes them more susceptible to sickness – and that an existence of a pet will counteract this problem? ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Pets, Kids, and Well-Being: 5 Reasons Why Kids with Pets Grow Up Better Than Most appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .