
Showing posts from January, 2019

These Are The Top 10 Health And Wellness Trends In 2019

2018 was the year in which we saw great, epic and revolutionary trends in health and wellness. For instance; taking keto smoothie recipes and supplements of marine collagen became the in-thing. Similarly, 2019 will be no different. Here is a list of our predictions of the top 10 health and wellness trends in 2019. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post These Are The Top 10 Health And Wellness Trends In 2019 appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Fun Games With Water To Cool Off This Summer

For those summer days when the heat tightens we offer you ten refreshing and fun games with water for children to have fun. These games are also a great way to socialize, exercise, learn to lose and win, be in touch with nature, and above all, have fun! ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Fun Games With Water To Cool Off This Summer appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

How to Succeed Your Baby’s First Road Trip

When you’re traveling with a baby, there are a lot of choices. Unfortunately, most of them send shivers down your spine. You can trap yourself on an airplane and risk having your child scream through the flight, or you can take an exceptionally long road trip of the same. In truth, we build these things up in our heads to be worse than they usually are. Whether you decide to fly or drive, your baby isn’t likely to scream the whole way there. Still, the road trip is often the best option. So, how do you successfully travel on a road trip with your baby? Oh, there are ways… Follow these tips and you're sure to have a successful road trip with your little one. Sure, there may be some hiccups (literal and figurative), but it should be a most pleasant experience.​ ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post How to Succeed Your Baby’s First Road Trip appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Five Ways to Explore Your Kid’s Creativity

Children are sponges just waiting to fill up with experience and knowledge. It is up to you, as the parent, to teach your kids things they need to know and to instill lessons that will help them function well as members of society. This means being strict with the rules you put into place and ensuring they eat right, yes, but it also means helping them learn to be creative and explore that artistic side of themselves. Even if they later go on into a STEM field and are a wiz at math, the arts can help them learn how to express themselves, solve problems more creatively, and generally have a lot of fun growing up: ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Five Ways to Explore Your Kid’s Creativity appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Tips for Shopping for a Pediatrician | Universal Billing Solutions

Choosing a doctor can be stressful. When you need to choose a pediatrician for your child, however, it is a different kind of stress. That doctor will be with them from birth through age 18, being present for their major milestones, first illnesses, vaccinations and a wide range of care as they grow up. Your pediatrician will be there to answer your questions. They will know about feeding issues, sleep struggles, every sniffle, fever and cough. There is a lot to consider when shopping for a pediatrician . Make the process a bit easier with this helpful guide. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Tips for Shopping for a Pediatrician | Universal Billing Solutions appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .