7 DPO Symptoms: Things Unbelievably No One Talks About
Many women fail to recognize that they are pregnant and only notice the so called 7 DPO symptoms (days post ovulation) around a week or so. Technically, you aren’t heavy with child yet, but the eggs released by the ovaries travel to the fallopian tubes to meets its mate – the sperm. When united, the egg becomes fertilized and travels on its way to the uterus.
By then, you have probably felt some symptoms after your missed period or when you experience implantation bleeding. Anyway, you’ll be producing the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or the pregnancy hormone enough to be detected by a blood test or a pregnancy test. But if it’s too early to tell, you can observe the following 7 DPO symptoms your body is making.
The Most Common 7 DPO Symptoms
Basically, these are some common symptoms of the female body when the pregnancy stage begins. If you’ve been a mom for years, you’ll be feeling these all over again. If you’re a new parent, hold on your reins for these experiences.
Implantation bleeding

Is it light spotting? When the fertilized egg sticks itself to the uterus wall, seven to ten days after ovulation, women may experience light bleeding. However, take note of the flow of your blood. If it’s not too heavy and only lasts a few days, then it’s spotting. Otherwise, it’s just your menstruation coming up. Many women have mistaken their menstruation for spotting and vice versa.
If you want to know for sure, count the number of days when you had your last sexy time. More than two weeks will let you know that you’re not pregnant at all.
Mild cramps
You’ll be having tummy pains akin to menstrual cramps due to spotting. It’s a sign that there’s movement in you uterus – a baby is growing.
Fatigue or exhaustion

You’ll be experiencing this when you’re expecting your child. It’ll mostly happen during your first trimester and will banish in your second. However, it’ll be back in your last trimester when you’re about to go into labor. The sudden change of hormones and the fact that your body is making more blood to sustain your baby’s nutrients can make you feel tired.
Also, your progesterone levels will be high, thus, making you feel sleepier. Other than running around with your emotions on toll, yep, you’ll be feeling tired most of the time.
Becoming gassy and bloated
Once again, your progesterone levels are at all time high and relax your muscles inside your body. Sounds good? Technically, calming down your gastrointestinal tract will slow down your digestion. That means more flatulence, gas, and bloaty tummy.
Tender breasts
Hormonal changes in the body in pregnancy have affected the blood flow to your system. For example, there’s an increase of blood flow to your breasts which in turn will make it swollen and sore. They’ll become sensitive and painful to touch. Wearing a bra at this stage makes you feel uncomfortable as well.
Increased cervical fluid
One of the symptoms of early pregnancy is an increase of cervical mucus in your body. It’ because of your high-level estrogen, that excretes much to your surprise, as one of the 7 DPO symptoms. It’s creamy in color and quite stretchy.
Morning sickness

The constant change in hormones during early pregnancy will have you nauseous, dizzy, and suffer from mild headaches. The presence of hCG in your body would also set you off. Your blood flow, circulation, and production became different and thus, would make you feel nauseous from this change.

The growing activity in your uterus will cause your pelvis and back to hurt because of the increasing pressure on your blood vessels joints. Since your spine needs to support that weight, you have to prep it up for you to avoid this situation.
Wild dreams
You can either blame your hormones or emotions for the wild dreams you’re having. Since everything falls up and down because you’re pregnant, that means you’ll be bothered by those vivid imaginings at night. It’s actually pretty typical for pregnant women to have it.
Some women might experience symptoms not listed here like cravings and mood swings. Each woman has a different reaction to other girls. That does not mean that while this lady has increased cervical fluid, the other should be experiencing too. Each woman is different in her own pregnancy journey.
Symptoms vs. Pregnancy

Is it possible that you don’t experience the 7 DPO symptoms and can be pregnant? If we’re going to cut it short – yes. Every woman is different, and her body responds to the situation quite differently. In order for you to know whether you’re pregnant or not, be sure to take pregnancy test be it homemade one, buying in a drugstore, or going to the doctor.
What about if I were to experience one of these symptoms, is it possible that I’m not pregnant? Once again – yes. You might be experiencing another thing and these “7 DPO symptoms” might be an underlying state of another illness. You can try waiting for a few days or weeks before heading to the doctor or run some tests for yourself.
When Is The Best Time To Take A Pregnancy Test?

After a week or two during your signs of 7 DPO symptoms is no good since you’ll be too early for it and the test might give you a false result. You can try taking a pregnancy test around three weeks or so because your hCG levels are high. When that happens, you can try doing the following:
- Execute your personal pregnancy test with the first pee you have in the morning. It has high hCG levels and would give more accurate results for it.
- Save a sample of your pee and run a few homemade pregnancy tests which include the toothpaste pregnancy test, baking soda pregnancy test, and bleach pregnancy test.
- Or, you can go to the doctor and have your blood samples taken. It’s the most efficient way of knowing that you’re pregnant.
Not too late. Not too early. It’s best to have a mini or mental calendar of what’s going on with your life. If you’re planning to conceive a child, note down when you had sexy time, and your first missed period. It could point out to signs of you being pregnant and all.
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Check out this post for "7 DPO Symptoms: Things Unbelievably No One Talks About"
Doing Pregnancy Tests On Your Own
If you’re planning to take a homemade pregnancy test or buy a kit from the store, make sure to repeat it a few times for best results. If you see that there’s consistency in a positive outcome, then it can mean that you’re pregnant. However, various results from being negative to positive and vice versa could only mean of a false result.
Either you’re too early to take a pregnancy test or the test itself is not to be trusted at all. If you ask us, the best way to latch on the idea of being pregnant is to visit your OB and request a blood test. That way you are sure to tell that you’re carrying a child.
So, how about you? When did you know you became pregnant? What did you do to find out that you were carrying a child? Tell us your story below!
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