
Showing posts from September, 2017

Top 10 Best Types of Clothing for Babies

There are thousands of styles and types of baby clothing, and while almost all of them are undeniably cute, not all of them are practical — and practically matters. Getting a kid into a cute outfit is one thing: getting them to stay in it is another. Baby clothes have to be comfortable to wear for baby, and easy to launder for the parents . So what types of baby clothes are best? Read on to find out! ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Top 10 Best Types of Clothing for Babies appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

The Best Baby Bibs Perfect For Mommies And Kiddies

Bibs are considered necessities in child care. We all know that children can get messy during dinner time! When they start pincer grasping everything they see, boy, mommy dearest, you’re in for a chaotic ride! They can throw their food around, play with it, or regurgitate it if they don’t like it. That’s why, you need the best baby bib to protect yourself and your baby from a lot of icky stuff. Additionally speaking, babies drool. A lot. Now, if your little tyke excessively drools on you or his or her shirt, you would definitely be needing a bib for that. No, a towel wouldn’t suffice for this experience. You will need a bib made of excellent quality to protect you and your baby from food stuff and drool. Some parents created their DIY bibs so that they have loads of stock ups! […] The post The Best Baby Bibs Perfect For Mommies And Kiddies appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Effects Of Alcohol On Teenage Brain: Why You Need To Prevent It

We’ve always heard the words, “Drink Moderately,” after each liquor commercial because we know it rings with truth. According to the Substance Abuse Administration of US , teenagers as young as 15 years old and below took a glug of alcohol in their lives. Binge drinking of liquor comes with risks, and not to say, long and harmful effects of alcohol on teenage brain . Teens who started drinking alcohol at a young age would likely become alcoholics. They don’t just take a few sips - they drink plenty over a short period. Many researchers claimed that the bodies of these kids aren’t yet ready to handle that kind of amount. Intoxication does not only cause behavioral problems but also damages brain functions which are deemed irreversible. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Effects Of Alcohol On Teenage Brain: Why You Need To Prevent It appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

Pregnant and with STD: Everything Soon-To-Be Mums Should Know

When you discover that you have an STD, it can really knock you for six. The implications can be even worse when you are also pregnant. Here’s everything you need to know about pregnancy with STDs, to get yourself prepared for any possible outcomes. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post Pregnant and with STD: Everything Soon-To-Be Mums Should Know appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .

The Best Natural Foods For Happier Living After Pregnancy

Holding your newborn will make you physically oblivious to almost everything but don’t forget your health amidst falling in love with your baby. Look after yourself; pampering yourself like you do your newborn is equally important. Pregnancy and childbirth certainly take a toll on mother’s body. To counter this, eating right is the best practice to regain energy and strength to help with changing diapers and breastfeeding. Moms who breastfeed typically need extra calories. High-calorie foods that are traditionally recommended for a post-delivery diet include dried fruits, full cream milk, butter, and ghee. Don’t worry, consuming vital nutrients can save you from piling on extra fat. ___TVE_SHORTCODE_RAW__ […] The post The Best Natural Foods For Happier Living After Pregnancy appeared first on Just Another Family Blog - .